Click here to read about your personality type and examples of people like you in the Bible
If you are a “D” – Dominant, Direct, Task oriented, Decisive, Organized, Outgoing, Outspoken.
OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONAL GROWTH : (1) Strive to listen to other people more attentively. (2) Try to be less controlling and domineering. (3) Develop a greater appreciation for the opinions, feelings and desires of others. (4) Put more energy into personal relationships. (5) Show your support for the other team members.
If you are an “I” – Influential, Interested in people, Witty, Easygoing, Outgoing, People oriented.
OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONAL GROWTH : (1) Weigh the pros and cons before making a decision; be less impulsive. (2) Remember to help with tasks more. (3) Exercise control over your actions, words, and emotions. (4) Focus more on details and facts. (5) Remember to slow down your pace for other people. (6) Talk less; listen more.
If you are an “S” – Steady, Stability, Analytical, People oriented, Introverted.
OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONAL GROWTH : (1) Consider how change is healthy. Try to change more willingly. (2) Be more direct in your interactions. (3) Focus on overall goals of your family or group rather than specific procedures. (4) Deal with confrontation constructively. (5) Develop more flexibility. (6) Try to show more initiative.
If you are a “C” – Compliant, Competent, Task oriented, Goal oriented, Introverted.
OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONAL GROWTH : (1) Concentrate on doing the right things – not just doing things right. (2) Be less critical of others’ ideas and methods. (3) Respond more quickly to accomplish others goals. (4) Strive to build relationships with other people and family members. (5) Be more decisive. (6) Focus less on facts and more on people.