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A Few Reminders

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Crew Discussion

– Pastor Chris Norman

A Generational House


Psalm 145:1-4

I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.

Main Idea

In our heart for the house series this weekend we’ve learned that healthy house is in generational House. Each one of us have a responsibility in caring for and leading the generations behind us.



Take some time to introduce any new people to the group.
Try one of these Icebreakers

Group Discussion

Read the Scripture and Main idea from above, and then take some time to move through the discussion questions below. Remember, the goal is not to complete all the questions but to facilitate conversation. Use the questions you feel would be best in each section for your group. 


What stood out to you most in this weekend's message?

The Next Generation.

  • What worries you most about the next Generation and why?
  • What can or should be done to help address your concern?
  • What excites you most for the next generation? What are their strengths?
  • What can or should be done to help develop that specific strength in the next generation?  

Making The Difference.

  • Is there anyone older who was or is instrumental in you spiritual development? Tell us about them. Who are they and how did they impact your life?
  • Is there  anything you learned from them that you can now do for others. 
  • When it comes to spiritual development, Gods plan is that one generation would teach the next. On a scale of 1-10 how well is that happening today. (1 – not great | 10 – we’re crushing it)
  • What do you think is the biggest obstacle that we need to overcome and how can we overcome it?

I have a HEART to build God's HOUSE.


All of us, no matter how young are old we are, are called by God to play a role in leading the next generation.

Call To Action


What is your personal plan to invest in the next generation?
What would be your next step?
How can we help you take that step?

Take some time to take prayer requests and pray for one another and the next generation. 

**Leaders, if you feel like it could help open us some transparency, you can always always split co-ed groups into a  guys and girls prayer group.