Leader Hub
Your hub for all things Crews

As Crew Leaders, we don’t practice on people. 
Below you’ll find your Crew essentials for a successful Crew night

A Few Reminders

Check your email and reach out to new CREW members.

Share these with your friends through text or your social platforms.

Submit your attendance in your church center app. Add new attendees as members in the app.

Keep us posted on any changes or needs you have with your CREW

Crew Discussion

– Pastor Chris Norman

I Am The Door


John 10:7-10

 So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Main Idea

This weekend we learned that in our longing find life we try walking through so many different doors. But the only door to true life is Jesus. 



Take some time to introduce any new people to the group.
Try one of these Icebreakers

Group Discussion

Read the Scripture and Main idea from above, and then take some time to move through the discussion questions below. Remember, the goal is not to complete all the questions but to facilitate conversation. Use the questions you feel would be best in each section for your group. 


What stood out to you most in this weekend's message?

What doors do people walk thru to try and find life?

What door are you praying God would open in your life?

1. Jesus our door gives us SAFETY

The sheepherd was the door and would set himself at the entrance to protect the sheep.

  • Jesus provides for us  safety from the penalty of our sin, but he also provides for us safety to live oour lives today.  Have someone read  Deuteronomy 3:22 & Romans 8:31
  • In what ways have you seen God protect your life?
  • What are some hard things in life that you’ve seen God use for Good

God is working in what your walking through

2. Jesus our door gives us PLENTY

The shepherd would lead the sheep out into good pasture.

  • In what ways have you seen Gods provision. Share some stories. 


There’s always going to be temptation to try and find life through doors other than Jesus. Jesus and Jesus alone is the door that leads to life. 

Call To Action

Spend some time with God thanking Him for His Safety and His Plenty.

Take some time to take prayer requests and pray for one another. 

**Leaders, if you feel like it could help open us some transparency, you can always always split co-ed groups into a  guys and girls prayer group.